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博客來-Mad About Madeline: The Complete Tales博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010001124
記得鬼靈精怪的瑪德琳半夜肚子痛被送到醫院的糗事、 還有瑪德琳掉進河畔被靈犬Genevieve拯救的溫馨故事、以及愛搞怪的西班牙大使兒子,搬到孤兒院附近所發生種種令人意外的趣事!…
Madeline是著名的兒童文學作品,故事情節充滿歐洲各國文化風情讓人回味,孩子們的友誼與赤子之心的情感也表露無遺。作者Ludwig Bemelmans插畫線條看似自由灑脫,但在文字的韻律節奏,圖文的結構配合上,都是經過細心琢磨與精心安排。文字行行壓韻卻不影響故事精彩性乃一大特色。
Madeline經典合集一次收錄:Madeline\』s Rescue,Madeline and the Bad Hat,Madeline in London,Madeline and the Gypsies,Madeline\』s Christmas等故事。其中《Madeline』s Rescue》一書榮獲1953年凱迪克金牌獎。很多瑪德琳的故事也被翻拍成動畫與電影,此本瑪德琳故事合集非常適合讀者一次珍藏。
Here, collected in one volume for the first time ever, are all of the adventures of the irrepressible Madeline, a little girl full of mischief and vitality who is one of the world's most popular and cherished fictional characters. Madeline, which was published in 1939, and its five sequels have become true classics, loved by generations of readers. In each of these books, Bemelmans' humorous verse, his immortal characters--Miss Clavel, Pepito, the magician, and others--and his wonderful, whimsical drawings of Paris combine to create a joyous reading experience for people of all ages.
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